

Certificates of Deposit & IRA's

We have a wide variety of Certificates of Deposits to fit your savings needs. Let one of our Customer Service Representatives quote you the latest rates and provide you with full disclosure information on these Certificates. 


14 days to 7 years with minimum opening balance of $500
13 MONTH SPECIAL with minimum opening balance of $10,000


Terms of 12, 18, or 24 months
Minimum opening balance of $2,000
"Bump Up" - During the term of your Certificate your rate may be increased one time to the current rate if the Certificate has been in effect for at least 6 months
Increase Choice CD by up to 1/2 of original face in $500 increments (no more than once monthly)
Withdraw one time up to 1/2 of original face without penalty (must maintain $2,000 balance)


Minimum opening balance of $10,000
"Bump Up" - During the term of your Certificate your rate may be increased two times to the current rate if the Certificate has been in effect for at least 6 months
Increase Premium Choice CD by up to 1/2 of original face in $500 increments (no more than once monthly)
Withdraw one time up to 1/2 of original face without penalty (must maintain $10,000 balance)
Let us help structure your CD investments to maximize FDIC Insurance Coverage

Contact Us

Madison County Community Bank
301 E. Base St.
P.O. Box 834
Madison, FL 32341
Tel: (850) 973-2400
Send a Message


Taylor County Community Bank
1405 S. Jefferson St.
P.O. Box 382
Perry, FL 32348
Tel: (850) 371-7000


©2024 Madison County Community Bank.
Routing #: 063114645
NMLS #: 403330